Three Ways to Work Together

  • The Self-Paced Course

    Tap into your curiosity like never before and learn how to ask damn good questions with me. I’m a veteran educator and host of the One Percent Better podcast. Discover a framework that not only helps you ask damn good questions, but can also support the people you speak with so they can provide valuable information back to you. You will learn how to review how you currently ask questions and analyze how to improve your delivery, wording, and style to produce damn good questions leading to the deepest connections of your life.

  • One-on-One Coaching

    One of my favorite things to do is help bring out your very best.

    Past & present clients have included: podcast hosts, salespeople, writers, and professionals looking to crush their upcoming job interviews.

    Let’s connect to find out if this is just what you need to become even better than you thought possible.

  • Public Speaking Bootcamp

    One conversation with the right person can change your life forever.

    Imagine focused, damn good conversations with 12 amazing people looking to supercharge their public speaking skills…

    I am inviting you to join a group of 12 motivated people that are interested in supercharging their communication skills and building something special.

    People who depend on excellent communication to land clients, connect with their loved ones, and deliver crucial messages.

    I hope you join us.